adored, blessed, forgiven, loved

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

watch your words...

I try my best to be nothing but kind to other people.  Of course, nobody's perfect... losing my cool happens on a regular basis.  However, generally, I am able to act politely and be tactful.  I would never, never EVER dream of insulting a person on purpose.  Calling someone an ugly name, making fun of their behavior, or laughing at their appearance... I really can't think of an instance where those things seem acceptable to me.

well.. besides...

If I'm being honest, I know I AM A BULLY.  I speak to someone terribly. I call this person "not good enough", "ugly", "annoying", "fat".  If this person does something slightly awkward, I immediately attack her with hurtful "why would you do that"s and "you really are an idiot"s.  I am constantly thinking that this girl looks like she's trying too hard or not hard enough; she either looks way to messy or overly dressed up; she wears weird clothes and doesn't ever look pretty, much less beautiful.  I tell her these things constantly.

This poor girl I'm harming is me.

I heard a quote today that said "I never thought I was a bully... until I listened to how I speak to myself. I think I owe myself an apology".

Talk about a lightbulb moment!!  I realized that I (and every one of you darlings out there) need to know that we are children of God, and he wishes for us to love everyone with the love of Christ, and when I say everyone, I mean EVERYONE.  It's easy to bully yourself and justify it by saying "well at least I'm not hurting anyone else, right?!" 

WRONG.  We are hurting someone else...Jesus Christ.  It causes him grief to know we are hurting.  I don't know about y'all, but for me, the knowledge that I'm causing Him pain when I am mean to myself is definitely motivation enough to stop. 

Talk sweetly to yourself!  Treat yourself as you would a friend!

Love love,


"And the King will say, 'I tell you the truth, when you did it to the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me' "
Matthew 25:40

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